Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Jules and Jim

Francois Truffaut's 1962 feature Jules and Jim centers around something of a love triangle, though that might be oversimplifying things a bit; it might be more of a love rectangle of pentagon. A love polygon, at the very least.

There seems to be an increasingly disturbing recurring motif among the films we've been watching in class-that of infidelity-and Jules and Jim revels in it. The character of Catherine is utterly frustrating to no end; the film starts out centering around Jules and Jim's friendship but later turns into a story of how their lives are both ruined by Catherine's cruel games and infidelity.
As Roger Ebert put it in his review of the film, "it's about three people who could not concede that their moment of perfect happiness was over, and perused it into dark and sad places."

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